
photo of a person running along a street lined with tall trees

My Biggest Exercise Mistake: I Didn’t Add SPICE!

Everyone makes mistakes. It’s part of life. Exercise just happens to be one of those areas where mistakes happen all of the time for many people. Here’s one of the mistakes that I made when I first started  getting serious …

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Kidney Stones- the basics

In this video, we talk about kidney stones- what they are and how to coexist with them.

Type 2 Diabetes and Kidney Health

Check out this video all about Type 2 diabetes and kidney health. As always I cover the holistic ways you can care for our kidneys, especially important for diabetics.

Alex before and after 75 lb weight loss

“But I might not be able to stop”…the most dangerous drug: food.

If you have been giving in to the food pushers in your life up until now, it’s very likely that the first time you set a boundary, they will be shocked and they might not respond very well. Don’t give up. The more often you stick to your boundaries, the more they will know that no means no. You may choose to offer some kind of explanation, but you don’t owe it to them. Remember that YOU are the one who ultimately has to deal with the consequences of overeating, not them, so you are the one with the authority to make the decision about what you eat or don’t eat.

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