Dr. Alexandria Rosa and Vida Hydration Therapy

Have a body that keeps up with your lifestyle.

For men and women who live life on the edge and want their body to match

As a high-performer, you’ve got it going on

You’ve broken barriers and stereotypes.

Accomplished things that no one with your background, culture, or upbringing is expected to do. You knew you could make a big impact in this world, so you went out there and did it. And now you have the career, the accolades, a busy schedule, and an endless to-do list.

And your achievements have come at a cost.

You’ve been putting everyone and everything ahead of you- for years and years.

You dread going to the doctor, scared you’ll be told you have diabetes or some other disease that your entire family has.

You were told to lose 10 lbs and instead are sure you’ve gained 15 and your blood pressure is high.

You’ve tried their suggestions, you’ve tried things you’ve found online but it never lasts long.

 You may also have found that the diet and lifestyle recommendations you’ve come across by most healthcare professionals are unrealistic for your busy life, unappealing to your palate, don’t include foods from your culture, haven’t worked, and leave you feeling deprived, hopeless, isolated, or overwhelmed.

You know there is a better way. It’s YOUR time NOW. You’re ready to elevate, to optimize—you just haven’t found something that’s right for you.

Are you ready for a whole new approach to your health?

A holistic approach to your health that is aligned with your culture, your upbringing, your religious practices, and your lifestyle? Are you ready to learn how to design an elevated healthy and sustainable lifestyle? How to make these changes fit seamlessly into your everyday life?

I’m Dr. Alexandria Rosa.

As a practitioner, professor, wife, mother, and Latina I understand how hard it can be. I was stressed out, physically unwell, overwhelmed, and tired of living, thinking, and being all the stereotypes and limitations that my Latin culture and religious upbringing had placed in my brain. So I broke free and unleashed a whole other woman in me- and I want to show YOU how to do the same.

What is SPICE?

Does this feel familiar? You…

  • feel like you don’t know your own body anymore
  • just want to feel healthy
  • don’t want your body to slow you down
  • want to feel more energetic, vital, joyful, sexy…and aren’t sure where to start
  • every time you step on the scale it’s the same number, no matter what you do
  • are dreading that next doctor visit and haven’t found the right practitioner that “gets you” and all you’ve had to go through
  • would love to finally get yourself together but can’t quite seem to find the right person, method, or support…there’s something deeper holding you back…you just can’t quite put your finger on it

I get it.  And you are in the right place.  First, breathe.  Quiet your mind for a moment.  Hear the silence.  Breathe again.  Better?  Ok, read on.

None of us is one-dimensional. 

We all encompass the following:

  • Spirituality: our search for purpose and meaning
  • Physical: how vital, energetic, and strong we are
  • Insight: how we learn and grow, our self awareness and intuition
  • Career: how we create a professional life that reflects our calling and brings satisfaction
  • Emotion: how we feel inside and how broadly we can express, experience and accept

I bet by now you have figured out where the name “SPICE” has come from?

SPICE was created with you in mind. 

Why?  Because I have been there.  You need the support, tools, expert guidance and processes that will help you accomplish what you want, all while understanding how your upbringing, culture, and lifestyle impact your preferences and decision making. (You can find out more about my story on the About page. )

Here is the tough reality…it is really, really hard to take a step back and make things happen differently in your life.  A lack of time, energy, support, knowledge, and desire hold us down. And don’t forget breaking through cultural stereotypes, norms, and religious upbringing.

SPICE is focused on getting you results—because while theories are wonderful, results are so much better.  Results that heal and nourish you from the inside out. Results that last a lifetime. I’m not what most people imagine as a traditional doctor, and I don’t practice healthcare in a traditional way. And that’s exactly what healthcare needs right now.

My concierge medicine practice specializes in blending functional medicine, and holistic wellness, with alternative and complementary therapies. My expertise lies in designing elevated bespoke wellness workshops, programs, and events to educate, inspire, and transform.

-Preventative Care
-Private Healthcare
-Health Consulting and Coaching Services
-House Calls
-IV Hydration/Vitamin Boosters
-Comprehensive and innovative care and education for peri/post menopause, hormones, and women’s health.

…all to benefit you, your corporation, organization, or small businesses on-site, remotely, or a combination of both.

Ready for the next step?
Book your Transformational Decision Call today

Dr. Alex Rosa

Ignite Your Metabolism: Take the FREE Master Class

This online class is perfect for you if…

  • You are a woman 35 and up experiencing changes in your body—what worked before is no longer working. You don’t like what is happening to your body but you’re not sure what to do next.
  • You want to defy the odds and break the cycle of generational chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes; you are sick of pills, shots, and being dismissed by traditional healthcare.
  • You value your health, you see it as the ultimate investment and asset.
  • You desire the stamina to stay focused and fueled all day long naturally and holistically.
  • You’ve tried intermittent fasting before and want to get back into using it as a tool on a routine basis or have heard of it and are curious to learn more.

Here’s the rundown:

Part 1: What is the problem really?? I explain insulin sensitivity and metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, Diabetes type 2, high cholesterol, PCOS, chronic fatigue syndrome, mood changes, chronic inflammation and skin conditions, pre/post menopause, and hormones)

Part 2: Stress, hormones, and adrenal glands. Learn how to support your body naturally. Benefits of IV Hydration therapy and micronutrient testing.

Part 3: Intermittent fasting basics and benefits The key to burning fuel faster and turning back the clock.

Bonus Video: The what, how, and when of intermittent fasting. Learn the #1 secret I teach ALL my paying clients that gets them incredible results the very first time they do it!!!

Unlock the Master Class

Enter your email to receive access to my FREE video Master Class. In addition to the class, you will receive occasional news and tips to help you SPICE up your life and health. You may opt out at any time.

What clients are saying…

Strength and Confidence
Dr. Rosa has given me a completely new outlook on my life and myself. Over the past year she has helped me find the strength and confidence to overcome challenges that I was facing within myself, and grow to become the person I am today.
Sierra- RN
Sue lost over 100 lbs!!
Sue lost over 100 lbs!!
Listen to how Opal Germaine lowered her BP and dropped 2 sizes
Watch! Opal Germaine lowered her BP and dropped 2 sizes
Dr. Rosa has been the exact solution that I needed
I achieved: 1. Clarity on my view of my mental blocks when it came to food, 2. A simplified strategy that made the process easy, and 3. Results! I gained the energy that I sought, lost weight, and released so much of the pressure that I had put upon myself. I am happy to say that working with Dr. Rosa has been the exact solution that I needed. Sign up and get started right away!
Amy N-W. DickersonCertified Coach Practitioner Blue-to-Green Coaching: For Career and Life
I'm a TOTALLY different person
Working one-on-one with Dr. Rosa is amazing! I was not in a great space mentally or physically before working with her and after 3 months I’m like a TOTALLY different person.
Alicia Washington Founder Starting from Scratch
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Currently, I am down 13 pounds and a total of 7 inches total. This program has provided me with more personalized individualized attention than any other weight loss program I have tried in the past. I have tried many programs!
Kristal FletcherSpecial Education TeacherOhio
I lost 23 lbs!
Since adding SPICE to my life, I can say that this is the most consistent I have ever been in terms of healthy eating, exercising, and getting myself together. I have lost a total of 23 pounds and continue to challenge myself to stick to my plan of healthy living.
Elizabeth Miller BSN, RN
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